Source of file ConfigManager.php

Size: 16,459 Bytes - Last Modified: 2020-10-24T02:46:31+00:00


* This file is part of the NextDom software ( or
* Copyright (c) 2018 NextDom.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

/* This file is part of Jeedom.
 * Jeedom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Jeedom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Jeedom. If not, see <>.

namespace NextDom\Managers;

use NextDom\Helpers\DBHelper;
use NextDom\Helpers\DnsHelper;
use NextDom\Helpers\FileSystemHelper;
use NextDom\Helpers\NetworkHelper;
use NextDom\Helpers\NextDomHelper;
use NextDom\Helpers\Utils;

 * Class ConfigManager
 * @package NextDom\Managers
class ConfigManager

    const DB_CLASS_NAME = '`config`';

     * @var array Default configuration
    private static $defaultConfiguration = [];
     * @var array Configuration cache
    private static $cache = [];

     * Save new configuration value in the database
     * @param string $configKey Configuration key
     * @param string|object|array $configValue Configuration value
     * @param string $pluginId Plugin id or core
     * @return boolean Always True (@TODO: No return)
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function save($configKey, $configValue, $pluginId = 'core')
        if (is_object($configValue) || is_array($configValue)) {
            $configValue = json_encode($configValue, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
        if (isset(self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey])) {
            unset(self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey]);
        $defaultConfiguration = self::getDefaultConfiguration($pluginId);
        // Remove configuration from the database if configValue is the same of the default configuration
        if (isset($defaultConfiguration[$pluginId][$configKey]) && $configValue == $defaultConfiguration[$pluginId][$configKey]) {
            self::remove($configKey, $pluginId);
            return true;
        if ($pluginId == 'core') {
            $nextdomConfig = NextDomHelper::getConfiguration($configKey, true);
            if ($nextdomConfig != '' && $nextdomConfig == $configValue) {
                return true;

        // Parse new value with preConfig methode
        $configClass = ($pluginId == 'core') ? 'ConfigManager' : $pluginId;
        $configMethod = 'preConfig_' . str_replace(['::', ':'], '_', $configKey);
        if (method_exists($configClass, $configMethod)) {
            $configValue = $configClass::$configMethod($configValue);
        // Save in database
        $values = [
            'plugin' => $pluginId,
            'key' => $configKey,
            'value' => $configValue,
        $sql = 'REPLACE ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                SET `key` = :key,
                    `value` = :value,
                     `plugin` = :plugin';
        DBHelper::exec($sql, $values);

        // Execute postConfig method
        $configMethod = 'postConfig_' . str_replace(['::', ':'], '_', $configKey);
        if (method_exists($configClass, $configMethod)) {
        return true;

     * Get default configuration from default.config.ini
     * Configuration file is in /var/lib/nextdom/config/default.config.ini or
     * NEXTDOM_ROOT/plugins/PLUGIN_ID/core/config/PLUGIN_ID.config.ini
     * @param string $pluginId Target configuration plugin or core
     * @return mixed
    public static function getDefaultConfiguration($pluginId = 'core')
        if (!isset(self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId])) {
            if ($pluginId === 'core') {
                self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId] = parse_ini_file(NEXTDOM_DATA . '/config/default.config.ini', true);
                $customPath = sprintf("%s/custom/custom.config.ini", NEXTDOM_DATA);
                if (file_exists($customPath)) {
                    $custom = parse_ini_file($customPath, true);
                    self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId]['core'] = array_merge(self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId]['core'], $custom['core']);
            } else {
                $filename = NEXTDOM_ROOT . '/plugins/' . $pluginId . '/core/config/' . $pluginId . '.config.ini';
                if (is_file($filename)) {
                    self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId] = parse_ini_file($filename, true);
        if (!isset(self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId])) {
            self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId] = [];
        return self::$defaultConfiguration[$pluginId];

     * Remove key from the database
     * @param string $configKey Config key to remove (* for all config from plugin)
     * @param string $pluginId Plugin id or core
     * @return boolean Always True
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function remove($configKey, $pluginId = 'core')
        if ($configKey == "*" && $pluginId != 'core') {
            $values = [
                'plugin' => $pluginId,
            $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                    WHERE `plugin` = :plugin';
            return DBHelper::getOne($sql, $values);
        } else {
            $values = [
                'plugin' => $pluginId,
                'key' => $configKey,
            $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                    WHERE `key` = :key
                        AND `plugin` = :plugin';
            DBHelper::exec($sql, $values);
            if (isset(self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey])) {
                unset(self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey]);
        return null;

     * Get configuration by key
     * @param string $configKey nom de la clé dont on veut la valeur
     * @param string $pluginId Plugin id or core
     * @param string $defaultValue Default value if config key is not found
     * @param bool $forceRefresh Force to refresh the value in the cache
     * @return mixed Key value
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function byKey($configKey, $pluginId = 'core', $defaultValue = '', $forceRefresh = false)
        if (!$forceRefresh && isset(self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey])) {
            return self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey];
        $values = [
            'plugin' => $pluginId,
            'key' => $configKey,
        $sql = 'SELECT `value`
                FROM ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                WHERE `key` = :key
                AND `plugin` = :plugin';
        $value = DBHelper::getOne($sql, $values);
        if ($value['value'] === '' || $value['value'] === null) {
            if ($defaultValue !== '') {
                self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey] = $defaultValue;
            } else {
                $defaultConfiguration = self::getDefaultConfiguration($pluginId);
                if (isset($defaultConfiguration[$pluginId][$configKey])) {
                    self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey] = $defaultConfiguration[$pluginId][$configKey];
        } else {
            self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey] = Utils::isJson($value['value'], $value['value']);
        return isset(self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey]) ? self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $configKey] : '';

     * Get configuration by multiple keys
     * @param $configKeys
     * @param string $pluginId Plugin id or core
     * @param string $defaultValue Default value if config key is not found
     * @return array Keys values
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function byKeys($configKeys, $pluginId = 'core', $defaultValue = '')
        if (!is_array($configKeys) || count($configKeys) == 0) {
            return [];
        $values = [
            'plugin' => $pluginId,
        $keys = '(\'' . implode('\',\'', $configKeys) . '\')';
        $sql = 'SELECT `key`,`value`
                FROM ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                WHERE `key` IN ' . $keys . '
                    AND `plugin` = :plugin';
        $values = DBHelper::getAll($sql, $values);
        $result = [];
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            $result[$value['key']] = $value['value'];
        $defaultConfiguration = self::getDefaultConfiguration($pluginId);
        foreach ($configKeys as $key) {
            if (isset($result[$key])) {
                $result[$key] = Utils::isJson($result[$key], $result[$key]);
            } elseif (isset($defaultConfiguration[$pluginId][$key])) {
                $result[$key] = $defaultConfiguration[$pluginId][$key];
            } else {
                if (is_array($defaultValue)) {
                    if (isset($defaultValue[$key])) {
                        $result[$key] = $defaultValue[$key];
                    } else {
                        $result[$key] = '';
                } else {
                    $result[$key] = $defaultValue;
            self::$cache[$pluginId . '::' . $key] = $result[$key];
        return $result;

     * Find config key in database
     * @param string $configKey nom de la clé dont on veut la valeur
     * @param string $pluginId Plugin id or core
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function searchKey($configKey, $pluginId = 'core')
        $values = [
            'plugin' => $pluginId,
            'key' => '%' . $configKey . '%',
        $sql = 'SELECT *
                FROM ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                WHERE `key` LIKE :key
                AND `plugin`= :plugin';
        $results = DBHelper::getAll($sql, $values);
        foreach ($results as &$result) {
            $result['value'] = Utils::isJson($result['value'], $result['value']);
        return $results;

     * Generate Key with letters and numbers
     * @param int $nbCharacters Number of characters of the key
     * @return string Key with $nbCharacters
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function genKey($nbCharacters = 32)
        $key = '';
        $availableCharacters = "abcdefghijklmnpqrstuvwxy1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nbCharacters; $i++) {
            if (function_exists('random_int')) {
                $key .= $availableCharacters[random_int(0, strlen($availableCharacters) - 1)];
            } else {
                $key .= $availableCharacters[rand(0, strlen($availableCharacters) - 1)];
        return $key;

     * Get enabled plugins
     * @return array List of enabled plugins
     * @throws \Exception
     * @deprecated Use getEnabledPlugins
    public static function getPluginEnable()
        trigger_error('The function getEnabledPlugins is deprecated, use getEnabledPlugins', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        return self::getEnabledPlugins();

     * Get enabled plugins
     * @return array List of enabled plugins
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function getEnabledPlugins()
        $sql = 'SELECT `value`,`plugin`
                FROM ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                WHERE `key` = \'active\'';
        $values = DBHelper::getAll($sql);
        $result = [];
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            $result[$value['plugin']] = $value['value'];
        return $result;

     * Get log level for all plugins
     * @return array Log level of all plugins
     * @throws \Exception
    public static function getLogLevelPlugin()
        $sql = 'SELECT `value`,`key`
                FROM ' . self::DB_CLASS_NAME . '
                WHERE `key` LIKE \'log::level::%\'';
        $values = DBHelper::getAll($sql);
        $return = [];
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            $return[$value['key']] = Utils::isJson($value['value'], $value['value']);
        return $return;

     * Method called on core::allowDns config change
     * @param mixed $newValue New value of core::allowDns
     * @throws \NextDom\Exceptions\CoreException
     * @throws \Throwable
    public static function postConfig_market_allowDNS($newValue)
        if ($newValue == 1) {
            if (!DnsHelper::dnsRun()) {
        } else {
            if (DnsHelper::dnsRun()) {

    public static function postConfig_interface_advance_vertCentering($_value){

    public static function postConfig_object_summary($_value){
        try {
            foreach (JeeObjectManager::all() as $object) {
        } catch (\Exception $e) {


    public static function checkValueBetween($_value, $_min = null, $_max = null)
        if ($_min !== null && $_value < $_min) {
            return $_min;
        if ($_max !== null && $_value > $_max) {
            return $_max;
        if (is_nan($_value) || $_value === '') {
            return ($_min !== 0) ? $_min : 0;
        return $_value;

     * Method called on core::market_password config change (hash the password)
     * @param mixed $newValue New market password
     * @return string Password hash
    public static function preConfig_market_password($newValue)
        if (!Utils::isSha1($newValue)) {
            return sha1($newValue);
        return $newValue;

    public static function preConfig_widget_margin($_value)
        return self::checkValueBetween($_value, 0);

    public static function preConfig_widget_step_width($_value)
        return self::checkValueBetween($_value, 1);

    public static function preConfig_widget_step_height($_value)
        return self::checkValueBetween($_value, 1);

    public static function preConfig_css_background_opacity($_value)
        return self::checkValueBetween($_value, 0, 1);

    public static function preConfig_css_border_radius($_value)
        return self::checkValueBetween($_value, 0, 1);

    public static function preConfig_name($_value)
        return str_replace(array('\\', '/', "'", '"'), '', $_value);

    public static function preConfig_info_latitude($_value)
        return str_replace(',', '.', $_value);

    public static function preConfig_info_longitude($_value)
        return str_replace(',', '.', $_value);

    public static function preConfig_tts_engine($_value)
        try {
            if ($_value != ConfigManager::byKey('tts::engine')) {
        } catch (\Exception $e) {

        return $_value;