Source of file BackupManager.php
Size: 33,394 Bytes - Last Modified: 2020-10-24T02:46:31+00:00
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913 | <?php /* This file is part of NextDom Software. * * NextDom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * NextDom Software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with NextDom Software. If not, see <>. */ namespace NextDom\Managers; use NextDom\Enums\ConfigKey; use NextDom\Enums\DateFormat; use NextDom\Enums\FoldersAndFilesReferential; use NextDom\Enums\LogLevel; use NextDom\Enums\LogTarget; use NextDom\Enums\NextDomFolder; use NextDom\Enums\NextDomObj; use NextDom\Enums\NextDomFile; use NextDom\Exceptions\CoreException; use NextDom\Helpers\ConsoleHelper; use NextDom\Helpers\DBHelper; use NextDom\Helpers\FileSystemHelper; use NextDom\Helpers\LogHelper; use NextDom\Helpers\MigrationHelper; use NextDom\Helpers\NextDomHelper; use NextDom\Helpers\SystemHelper; use NextDom\Helpers\Utils; use RecursiveDirectoryIterator; use RecursiveIteratorIterator; use splitbrain\PHPArchive\Tar; /** * Class BackupManager * @package NextDom\Managers */ class BackupManager { /** * @var null */ private static $logLevel = null; /** * Creates a backup archive * * @param bool $background Lancer la sauvegarde en tâche de fond. * @throws \Exception */ public static function backup(bool $background = false) { if (true === $background) { LogHelper::clear(LogTarget::BACKUP); $script = sprintf("%s/install/backup.php interactive=false > %s 2>&1 &", NEXTDOM_ROOT, LogHelper::getPathToLog(LogTarget::BACKUP)); SystemHelper::php($script); } else { self::createBackup(); } } /** * Runs the backup procedure * * Last output should not be removed since it act as a marker in ajax calls * * @return bool true if no error * @throws CoreException * @throws \Exception */ public static function createBackup() { $backupDir = self::getBackupDirectory(); if (FileSystemHelper::getDirectoryFreeSpace($backupDir) < 400000000) { throw new CoreException('Not Enough space to create local backup'); } self::$logLevel = ConfigManager::byKey(ConfigKey::LOG_LEVEL, 'core', LogLevel::ERROR); $backupName = self::getBackupFilename(); $backupPath = sprintf("%s/%s", $backupDir, $backupName); $sqlPath = sprintf("%s/DB_backup.sql", $backupDir); $cachePath = CacheManager::getArchivePath(); $startTime = strtotime('now'); $status = "success"; try { ConsoleHelper::title("Create Backup Process", false); ConsoleHelper::subTitle("starting backup procedure at " . date(DateFormat::FULL)); NextDomHelper::event('begin_backup', true); ConsoleHelper::step("stopping NextDom (cron & scenario)"); NextDomHelper::stopSystem(true); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("starting plugin backup"); self::backupPlugins(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("checking database integrity"); self::repairDB(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("starting database backup"); self::createDBBackup($sqlPath); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("starting cache backup"); CacheManager::persist(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("creating backup archive"); ConsoleHelper::enter(); self::createBackupArchive($backupPath, $sqlPath, $cachePath, LogTarget::BACKUP); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("rotating backup archives"); self::rotateBackups($backupDir); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("checking remote backup systems"); self::sendRemoteBackup($backupPath); ConsoleHelper::ok(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $status = "error"; ConsoleHelper::nok(); ConsoleHelper::error($e); LogHelper::addError(LogTarget::BACKUP, $e->getMessage()); } finally { ConsoleHelper::step("starting NextDom (cron & scenario)"); NextDomHelper::startSystem(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); NextDomHelper::event('end_backup'); ConsoleHelper::subTitle("end of backup procedure at " . date(DateFormat::FULL)); ConsoleHelper::subTitle("elapsed time " . (strtotime('now') - $startTime)); } // the following line acts as marker used in ajax telling that the procedure is finished // it should be me removed ConsoleHelper::subTitle("Closing with " . $status); ConsoleHelper::title("Create Backup Process", true); return ($status == "success"); } /** * Returns backup directory according to backup::path * * When backup::path is relative, constructs directory from NEXTDOM_DATA root * * @throws CoreException if backup directory cannot be created * @retrun string backup root directory */ public static function getBackupDirectory() { $dir = ConfigManager::byKey('backup::path'); if ('/' != substr($dir, 0, 1)) { $dir = sprintf("%s/%s", NEXTDOM_DATA, $dir); } if (!is_dir($dir) && !mkdir($dir, 0775, true)) { throw new CoreException("unable to create backup directory " . $dir); } return $dir; } /** * Computes backup filename from nextdom's name and current datetime * * @param string $name current nextdom name, default given by ConfigManager * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public static function getBackupFilename($name = null): string { $date = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s"); $version = NextDomHelper::getNextdomVersion(); $format = "backup-%s-%s-%s.tar.gz"; if ($name === null) { $name = ConfigManager::byKey('name', 'core', 'NextDom'); } $cleanName = str_replace(['&', '#', "'", '"', '+', '-'], '', $name); $cleanName = str_replace(' ', '_', $cleanName); return sprintf($format, $cleanName, $version, $date); } /** * Runs backup method for each active plugins if available * * @throws \Exception */ public static function backupPlugins() { $plugins = PluginManager::listPlugin(true); foreach ($plugins as $c_plugin) { $pid = $c_plugin->getId(); if (true === method_exists($pid, 'backup')) { $pid::backup(); } } } /** * Checks and repair database * * @throws CoreException when mysqlcheck exited with error status */ public static function repairDB() { global $CONFIG; $status = 0; $format = "mysqlcheck --host='%s' --port='%d' --user='%s' --password='%s' %s --auto-repair --silent 2>/dev/null"; $command = sprintf($format, $CONFIG['db']['host'], $CONFIG['db']['port'], $CONFIG['db']['username'], $CONFIG['db']['password'], $CONFIG['db']['dbname']); system($command, $status); if ($status != 0) { throw new CoreException("error while checking database, exited with status " . $status); } } /** * Creates a backup of database to given output file path * * @param $outputFile * @throws CoreException true when mysqldump failed */ public static function createDBBackup($outputFile) { global $CONFIG; $status = 0; $format = "mysqldump --host='%s' --port='%s' --user='%s' --password='%s' %s > %s 2>/dev/null"; $command = sprintf($format, $CONFIG['db']['host'], $CONFIG['db']['port'], $CONFIG['db']['username'], $CONFIG['db']['password'], $CONFIG['db']['dbname'], $outputFile); system($command, $status); if ($status != 0) { throw new CoreException("error while dumping database, exited with status " . $status); } } /** * Creates an archive with all files that should be included in backup * * We proceed in 4 steps: * 1. creates a tar archive with plugins * 2. append mysql backup to tar archive * 3. append cache to to tar archive * 4. compress tar archive * * This allows to untie path dependencies between source files while keeping * the same directory structure in the tar archive (in order to keep backward * compatibility with jeedom archives). * * @param string $outputPath path of generated backup archive * @param string $sqlPath * @param string $cachePath * @param string $logFile * * @throws CoreException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveCorruptedException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveIOException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveIllegalCompressionException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\FileInfoException * @retrun bool true archive generated successfully */ public static function createBackupArchive(string $outputPath, $sqlPath, $cachePath, $logFile) { $tar = new Tar(); $tar->setCompression(); $tar->create($outputPath); // Backup cache and SQL files $tar->addFile($cachePath, "var/cache.tar.gz"); $tar->addFile($sqlPath, "DB_backup.sql"); // Backup config and data folders FileSystemHelper::mkdirIfNotExists(NEXTDOM_DATA . '/data/custom', 0775, true); $roots = [NEXTDOM_DATA . '/data/', NEXTDOM_DATA . '/config/']; $pattern = NEXTDOM_DATA . '/'; self::addPathToArchive($roots, $pattern, $tar, $logFile); // Backup plugins folder $roots = [NEXTDOM_ROOT . '/plugins/']; $pattern = NEXTDOM_ROOT . '/'; self::addPathToArchive($roots, $pattern, $tar, $logFile); $dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(NEXTDOM_ROOT, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); // Flatten the recursive iterator, folders come before their files $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); // Maximum depth is 1 level deeper than the base folder $it->setMaxDepth(0); // Backup all files/folder in root folder added by user foreach ($it as $fileInfo) { if (($fileInfo->isDir() || $fileInfo->isFile()) && !in_array($fileInfo->getFilename(), FoldersAndFilesReferential::NEXTDOM_ROOT_FOLDERS) && !in_array($fileInfo->getFilename(), FoldersAndFilesReferential::NEXTDOM_ROOT_FILES) && !is_link($fileInfo->getFilename())) { $tar->addFile($fileInfo->getPathname(), $fileInfo->getFilename()); if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { $roots = [NEXTDOM_ROOT . '/' . $fileInfo->getFilename()]; self::addPathToArchive($roots, $pattern, $tar, $logFile); } } } $tar->close(); } /** * @param array $roots * @param string $pattern * @param Tar $tar * @param $logFile * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveCorruptedException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveIOException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\FileInfoException * @throws \Exception */ private static function addPathToArchive($roots, $pattern, $tar, $logFile) { foreach ($roots as $c_root) { $path = $c_root; $dirIter = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path); $riIter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirIter); ConsoleHelper::stepLine('Add files of ' . $c_root . ' to archive'); // iterate on files recursively found foreach ($riIter as $c_entry) { if (false === $c_entry->isFile()) { continue; } $message = 'Add folder to archive : ' . $c_entry->getPathname(); if (self::$logLevel == LogLevel::DEBUG && $logFile === LogTarget::BACKUP) { LogHelper::addDebug($logFile, $message); } $dest = str_replace($pattern, "", $c_entry->getPathname()); $tar->addFile($c_entry->getPathname(), $dest); } } } /** * Removes backup archives according to backup::keepDays and backup::maxSize * * 1. since files are sorted, we can sum-up bytes until limit is reached * from that point, remove all other files * * @param string $backupDir backup root directory * @throws \Exception */ public static function rotateBackups(string $backupDir) { $maxDays = ConfigManager::byKey('backup::keepDays'); $maxSizeInBytes = ConfigManager::byKey('backup::maxSize') * 1024 * 1024; $minMtime = time() - ($maxDays * 60 * 60 * 24); $totalBytes = 0; $files = self::getBackupFileInfo($backupDir, "newest"); // 1. foreach ($files as $c_entry) { if (($c_entry["mtime"] < $minMtime) || ($totalBytes > $maxSizeInBytes)) { unlink($c_entry["file"]); continue; } $totalBytes += $c_entry["size"]; } } /** * Creates an array with information about existing backup files * * Available fields: * - file: path to backup archive * - mtime: current file modification timestamp * - size: file size in bytes * * 1. get file list from globing * 2. generate array of object from file list * * @param string $backupDir backup root directory * @param string $order sort result by 'newest' or 'oldest' first * @return array of file object * @throws CoreException */ public static function getBackupFileInfo($backupDir, $order = "newest") { $pattern = sprintf("%s/*.gz", $backupDir); // 1. $entries = glob($pattern); if (false === $entries) { return []; } // 2. $array_map = []; foreach ($entries as $key => $c_file) { $stat = stat($c_file); if (false === $stat) { throw new CoreException("unable to stat file " . $c_file); } $array_map[$key] = ["file" => $c_file, "mtime" => $stat[9], "size" => $stat[7]]; } $files = $array_map; if ($order == "newest") { usort($files, function ($x, $y) { return -1 * ($x["mtime"] - $y["mtime"]); }); } else { usort($files, function ($x, $y) { return ($x["mtime"] - $y["mtime"]); }); } return $files; } /** * Trigger remote upload for all available repos * * @param string $path path to backup archive * @return bool * @throws \Exception * @retrun bool true is everything went fine */ public static function sendRemoteBackup(string $path) { $repos = UpdateManager::listRepo(); foreach ($repos as $c_key => $c_val) { if (($c_val['scope']['backup'] === false) || (ConfigManager::byKey($c_key . '::enable') == 0) || (ConfigManager::byKey($c_key . '::cloudUpload') == 0)) { continue; } LogHelper::addInfo("system", $c_val['class']); try { $c_val['class']::backup_send($path); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Even if we have a samba exception, the backup should be available } } return true; } /** * Restore a backup from file * * @param string $file Backup file path * @param bool $background Start backup task in background * @throws \Exception */ public static function restore(string $file = '', bool $background = false) { if (true === $background) { LogHelper::clear("restore"); $script = sprintf("%s/install/restore.php file=%s interactive=false > %s 2>&1 &", NEXTDOM_ROOT, $file, LogHelper::getPathToLog(LogTarget::RESTORE)); SystemHelper::php($script); } else { self::restoreBackup($file); } } /** * Runs the restore procedure * * Last output should not be removed since it act as a marker in ajax calls * * @param string $file path to backup archive, when empty, use last available backup * @return bool false when error occurs * @throws CoreException */ public static function restoreBackup($file = '') { $backupDir = self::getBackupDirectory(); $startTime = strtotime('now'); $status = "success"; $tmpDir = ""; try { ConsoleHelper::title("Restore Backup Process", false); ConsoleHelper::subTitle("starting restore procedure at " . date(DateFormat::FULL)); NextDomHelper::event('begin_restore', true); if (($file === null) || ("" === $file)) { $file = self::getLastBackupFilePath($backupDir, "newest"); } ConsoleHelper::process("file used for restoration: " . $file); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("stopping Nextdom system..."); NextDomHelper::stopSystem(false); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("extracting backup archive..."); $tmpDir = self::extractArchive($file); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("restoring plugins..."); self::restorePlugins($tmpDir); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("restoring mysql database..."); self::restoreDatabase($tmpDir); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("importing Jeedom configuration..."); self::restoreJeedomConfig($tmpDir); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("restoring custom data...\n"); self::restoreCustomData($tmpDir, LogTarget::RESTORE); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("migrating data..."); MigrationHelper::migrate(LogTarget::RESTORE); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("starting nextdom system..."); NextDomHelper::startSystem(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("updating system configuration..."); self::updateConfig(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("checking system consistency..."); ConsistencyManager::checkConsistency(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("init values..."); self::initValues(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("clearing cache..."); self::clearCache(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); ConsoleHelper::step("restoring cache..."); self::restoreCache($tmpDir,LogTarget::RESTORE); ConsoleHelper::ok(); FileSystemHelper::rrmdir($tmpDir); NextDomHelper::event("end_restore"); ConsoleHelper::subTitle("end of restore procedure at " . date(DateFormat::FULL)); ConsoleHelper::subTitle("elapsed time " . (strtotime('now') - $startTime)); } catch (\Exception $e) { $status = "error"; ConsoleHelper::nok(); ConsoleHelper::error($e); LogHelper::addError(LogTarget::RESTORE, $e->getMessage()); if (true === is_dir($tmpDir)) { FileSystemHelper::rrmdir($tmpDir); } ConsoleHelper::step('starting Nextdom system...'); NextDomHelper::startSystem(); ConsoleHelper::ok(); } // the following line acts as marker used in ajax telling that the procedure is finished // it should be me removed ConsoleHelper::subTitle('Closing with ' . $status); ConsoleHelper::title('Restore Backup Process', true); return ($status == 'success'); } /** * Returns path to last available backup archive * * @param $backupDir * @param string $order sort result by 'newest' or 'oldest' first * @return string archive file path * @throws CoreException when no archive is found */ public static function getLastBackupFilePath($backupDir, $order = "newest") { $files = self::getBackupFileInfo($backupDir, $order); if (empty($files)) { throw new CoreException('unable to find any backup file'); } return $files[0]["file"]; } /** * Extracts backup archive to a temporary folder * * @param string $file path to backup archive * @return string path to generated temporary directory * @throws CoreException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveCorruptedException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveIOException * @throws \splitbrain\PHPArchive\ArchiveIllegalCompressionException * @throw CoreException when error on reading archive or creating temporary dir */ private static function extractArchive($file) { $excludeDirs = ["AlternativeMarketForJeedom", "musicast"]; $exclude = sprintf("/^(%s)$/", join("|", $excludeDirs)); $tmpDir = sprintf("%s-restore-%s", NEXTDOM_TMP, date('Y-m-d-H:i:s')); if (false === mkdir($tmpDir, 0775, true)) { throw new CoreException("unable to create tmp directory " . $tmpDir); } if (FileSystemHelper::getDirectoryFreeSpace($tmpDir) < 400000000) { throw new CoreException('Not enough space to extract archive'); } $tar = new Tar(); $tar->open($file); $tar->extract($tmpDir, "", $exclude); return $tmpDir; } /** * Restore plugins from backup archive * * @param string $tmpDir extracted backup root directory * @throws CoreException * @throws \Exception */ private static function restorePlugins($tmpDir) { $pluginDirs = glob(sprintf("%s/plugins/*", $tmpDir), GLOB_ONLYDIR); $pluginRoot = sprintf("%s/plugins", NEXTDOM_ROOT); FileSystemHelper::rrmdir($pluginRoot); FileSystemHelper::mkdirIfNotExists($pluginRoot, 0775, true); foreach ($pluginDirs as $c_dir) { if (false === FileSystemHelper::mv($c_dir, $pluginRoot)) { // should probably fail, keeping behavior prior to install/restore.php refactoring } } self::restorePublicPerms($pluginRoot); $plugins = PluginManager::listPlugin(true); foreach ($plugins as $c_plugin) { // call plugin restore hook, if any $pluginID = $c_plugin->getId(); if (method_exists($pluginID, 'restore')) { $pluginID::restore(); } // reset plugin dependencies $cache = CacheManager::byKey('dependancy' . $c_plugin->getId()); $cache->remove(); CacheManager::set('dependancy' . $c_plugin->getId(), "nok"); } } /** * Restore www-data owner and 775 permissions on directory * * @param $folderRoot * @throws CoreException on permission error * @throws \Exception */ private static function restorePublicPerms($folderRoot) { $status = SystemHelper::vsystem("%s chown %s:%s -R %s", SystemHelper::getCmdSudo(), SystemHelper::getWWWUid(), SystemHelper::getWWWGid(), $folderRoot); if (0 != $status) { throw new CoreException("unable to restore filesystem owner on " . $folderRoot); } SystemHelper::vsystem("%s chmod 775 -R %s", SystemHelper::getCmdSudo(), $folderRoot); if (0 != $status) { throw new CoreException("unable to restore filesystem rights" . $folderRoot); } } /** * Loads mysql dump from backup archive into database * * @param string $tmpDir extracted backup root directory * @throws CoreException when error occurs */ private static function restoreDatabase($tmpDir) { $backupFile = sprintf("%s/DB_backup.sql", $tmpDir); //Just database comment changes, rest done in migrationHelper if (0 != SystemHelper::vsystem("sed -i -e 's/Database: jeedom/Database: nextdom/g' '%s'", $backupFile)) { throw new CoreException("unable to modify content of backup file " . $backupFile); } if (0 != SystemHelper::vsystem("sed -i -e 's/Definer=`jeedom`/Definer=`nextdom`/g' '%s'", $backupFile)) { throw new CoreException("unable to modify content of backup file " . $backupFile); } if (0 != SystemHelper::vsystem("sed -i -e 's/varchar(255) /varchar(191) /g' '%s'", $backupFile)) { throw new CoreException("unable to modify varchar(255) to varchar(191) of backup file " . $backupFile); } DBHelper::exec("SET foreign_key_checks = 0"); $tables = DBHelper::getAll("SHOW TABLES"); foreach ($tables as $table) { $table = array_values($table); $table = $table[0]; $statement = sprintf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`", $table); DBHelper::exec($statement); } self::loadSQLFromFile($backupFile); DBHelper::exec("SET foreign_key_checks = 1"); } /** * Load given file in mysql database * * @param string $file path to file to load * @throws CoreException * @throw CoreException when a mysql error occurs */ public static function loadSQLFromFile($file) { global $CONFIG; $format = "mysql --host='%s' --port='%s' --user='%s' --password='%s' --force %s < %s"; $status = SystemHelper::vsystem($format, $CONFIG['db']['host'], $CONFIG['db']['port'], $CONFIG['db']['username'], $CONFIG['db']['password'], $CONFIG['db']['dbname'], $file); if ($status !== 0) { throw new CoreException("error loading sql file " . $file); } } /** * Import common config if not already exists * * @param string $tmpDir extracted backup root directory */ private static function restoreJeedomConfig(string $tmpDir) { $commonBackup = $tmpDir . '/common.config.php'; $commonConfig = NEXTDOM_DATA . '/config/common.config.php'; $jeedomConfig = NEXTDOM_DATA . '/config/jeedom.config.php'; if (true == file_exists($jeedomConfig)) { @unlink($jeedomConfig); } if (!file_exists($commonConfig) && file_exists($commonBackup)) { if (false === FileSystemHelper::mv($commonBackup, $commonConfig)) { // should at least warn, silent fail kept from install/restore.php refactoring } } } /** * Restore custom data from backup archive * * @param string $tmpDir extracted backup root directory * @throws CoreException */ private static function restoreCustomData($tmpDir, $logFile) { $rootCustomDataDirs = glob(sprintf("%s/*", $tmpDir), GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($rootCustomDataDirs as $c_dir) { $name = basename($c_dir); if (!in_array($name, FoldersAndFilesReferential::NEXTDOM_ROOT_FOLDERS) && !in_array($name, FoldersAndFilesReferential::NEXTDOM_ROOT_FILES) && !in_array($name, FoldersAndFilesReferential::JEEDOM_BACKUP_FOLDERS) && !in_array($name, FoldersAndFilesReferential::JEEDOM_BACKUP_FILES)) { $message = 'Restoring folder: ' . $name; if ($logFile == LogTarget::MIGRATION) { LogHelper::addInfo($logFile, $message, ''); } else { ConsoleHelper::process($message); } if (true === FileSystemHelper::mv($c_dir, sprintf("%s/%s", NEXTDOM_ROOT, $name))) { self::restorePublicPerms(NEXTDOM_ROOT); } if ($logFile != LogTarget::MIGRATION) { ConsoleHelper::ok(); } } } $customDataDirs = glob(sprintf("%s/data/*", $tmpDir), GLOB_ONLYDIR); $customDataRoot = sprintf("%s/data", NEXTDOM_DATA); FileSystemHelper::rrmdir($customDataRoot . "/"); FileSystemHelper::mkdirIfNotExists($customDataRoot, 0775, true); foreach ($customDataDirs as $c_dir) { $name = basename($c_dir); $message = 'Restoring folder :' . $name; if ($logFile == LogTarget::MIGRATION) { LogHelper::addInfo($logFile, $message, ''); } else { ConsoleHelper::process($message); } if (true === FileSystemHelper::mv($c_dir, sprintf("%s/%s", $customDataRoot, $name))) { self::restorePublicPerms($customDataRoot); } if ($logFile != LogTarget::MIGRATION) { ConsoleHelper::ok(); } } $customPlanDirs = glob(sprintf("%s/core/img/*", $tmpDir), GLOB_ONLYDIR); $customPlanRoot = sprintf("%s/data/plan", NEXTDOM_DATA); FileSystemHelper::mkdirIfNotExists($customPlanRoot, 0775, true); foreach ($customPlanDirs as $c_dir) { $name = basename($c_dir); if (Utils::startsWith($name, NextDomObj::PLAN)) { $message = 'Restoring folder :' . $name; if ($logFile == LogTarget::MIGRATION) { LogHelper::addInfo($logFile, $message, ''); } else { ConsoleHelper::process($message); } if (true === FileSystemHelper::mv($c_dir, sprintf("%s/%s", $customPlanRoot, $name))) { self::restorePublicPerms($customPlanRoot); } if ($logFile != LogTarget::MIGRATION) { ConsoleHelper::ok(); } } } } /** * Restore cache from backup archive * * @param string $tmpDir extracted backup root directory * @param string logFile logging file name * * @throws \Exception */ private static function restoreCache($tmpDir, $logFile) { LogHelper::addInfo($logFile, 'Restore cache', ''); FileSystemHelper::rrmfile(CacheManager::getArchivePath()); FileSystemHelper::rmove($tmpDir . '/' . NextDomFolder::VAR . '/' . NextDomFile::CACHE_TAR_GZ, CacheManager::getArchivePath()); CacheManager::restore(); } private static function updateConfig() { ConfigManager::save('hardware_name', ''); $cache = CacheManager::byKey('nextdom::isCapable::sudo'); $cache->remove(); } /** * Init default values * * @throws \Exception */ private static function initValues() { ConfigManager::save('nextdom::firstUse', 0); } private static function clearCache() { CacheManager::flush(); exec('sh ' . NEXTDOM_ROOT . '/scripts/'); } /** * Get the list of backups * * @return array list of backups * @throws \Exception */ public static function listBackup(): array { $backupDir = self::getBackupDirectory(); $backups = self::getBackupFileInfo($backupDir, 'newest'); $results = []; foreach ($backups as $c_backup) { $results[] = basename($c_backup['file']); } return $results; } /** * Remove a backup file * * @param string $backupFilePath Backup file path * * @throws CoreException * @throws \Exception */ public static function removeBackup(string $backupFilePath) { if (Utils::checkPath($backupFilePath) && is_file($backupFilePath)) { unlink($backupFilePath); } else { throw new CoreException(__('Impossible de trouver le fichier : ') . $backupFilePath); } } /** * Loads migrate script into mysql database * * @throws CoreException from RestoreManager::loadSQLFromFile */ private static function loadSQLMigrateScript() { $migrateFile = sprintf("%s/install/migrate/migrate_0_0_0.sql", NEXTDOM_ROOT); self::loadSQLFromFile($migrateFile); } } |